Bharat Forge has formed five Health Clubs in Pune at Mundhwa, Hadapsar & Vadgaon Sheri with 45 women in each club. The clubs constitute of those women who have participated in the Health Check-ups organized by Bharat Forge.
Meetings are conducted monthly and following points are discussed:
Various health check-up programmes like blood sugar level and PSA, urine, eye check-up, dental check-up, etc. are being conducted at Bharat Forge Community Centres. Along with check-ups, Health Planning Meetings & Workshops are also being conducted. The aim of such programs is to promote healthy society.
Along with Health Check-up programmes, seminars are given by Bharat Forge CSR Team to raise awareness about good health by undergoing timely medical check-ups to diagnose illness (if any) in its primitive stages to avoid future fatalities. Various health & habit related topics are also discussed to maintain a good healthy lifestyle.